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Waitress slips a note to married man, wife later learns what the note says

December 02, 2020

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Jackie had just had her third child and she and her husband were going through a difficult time. Their relationship was not at its best! So, they decided to go out for a nice relaxing family dinner with their children, in order to settle some tensions. It was the best idea they had managed to come up with after thinking long and hard about what was happening to them. Indeed, to enjoy the fresh air, and have a peaceful meeting over a fine meal seemed to be the best idea for them. But then, they never imagined that their waitress would dare to do an act that surprised them all.

An action is taken behind his back

Many men agree that women often have fits of jealousy for nothing. However, this is not what happened in this restaurant. Jackie and her family went to a restaurant to have a good time. It was a moment she wanted to spend quietly with her family away from all the things that were stressing her out. She thought this outing could help them get out of the bubble of their daily grind.


And so, when they were at the restaurant, Jackie went to the bathroom and when she came back she had a surprise that she was not expecting at all! So, while she was away, the waitress left something on their table that neither Jackie nor her husband could believe. It was that very note left on their table that made Jackie’s stomach turn. She couldn’t believe what had happened!

Jackie und ihr Ehemann hatten gerade ihr drittes Kind bekommen und ihre Beziehung befand sich in einer schwierigen Phase. Um die Spannungen zu lösen, beschlossen sie, mit ihren Kindern gemeinsam zum Abendessen auszugehen. Sie erhofften sich, in der frischen Luft zu entspannen und bei einem guten Essen Frieden zu finden. Es schien die beste Idee zu sein, um aus dem Alltagsstress auszubrechen.

In dem Restaurant erlebten sie jedoch etwas Unerwartetes. Während Jackie kurz auf die Toilette ging, hinterließ die Kellnerin etwas auf ihrem Tisch, das sie und ihr Ehemann kaum glauben konnten. Als Jackie zurückkam, sah sie die Notiz auf dem Tisch und spürte, wie sich ihr Magen umdrehte. Sie konnte nicht fassen, was passiert war, und die Neugierde und Verwirrung ließen sie nach Antworten suchen.

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